An everyday account of a not-so-super mom, managing her crazy life!

An everyday account of a not-so-super mom trying to outrun insanity!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Sun Came Up

Well, I guess we can safely say the game didn't end up how we would of liked! It is funny to me how people will say, "it is only a game" after a big loss. I know basketball is a game, but it is more than JUST a game to many of us. A rec league basketball game, a game of 4 square at recess, a friendly chess match or t-ball game, those I agree are "just a game." However, when you pour your heart out for 4 months, practice daily, spend time away from your family to scout and coach it becomes a little more. The game becomes a part you and your team a part of your family.

Growing up the daughter of a coach, becoming a coach and marrying a coach I feel like I have a little different perspective than some. I find that sitting in the stands watching my family coach or play I am a bundle of nerves. My stomach is upset and I have butterflies hours before tip-off. I feel uneasy and unsettled until the final buzzer sounds. This is funny because when I coach I get a little nervous, but never feel unsettled. I guess it is the lack of control I feel. As a coach's wife and kid it is hard sitting in the stands listening to those who berate, second-guess and are simply disrespectful to those you love. As a coach you learn quickly you will never make everyone happy and some will never be happy no matter what. Regardless, it doesn't make it easier. 

We coach to win games and championships, but we also coach to develop young athletes and build relationships with them. The kids on our teams mean more to us than just being a point guard or a post. We try to teach them lessons that will last long after they are done playing basketball. Basketball is, "more than just a game" because of all of those things! Losing stinks and I hate it, I won't lie. As the sun comes up this morning I realize that because what we teach is more than just shooting and dribbling our "season" really isn't over, it is just beginning!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All about FAMILY

Tonight I missed my husband's first round sub-state game. Although it made me feel physically ill, I had a previous appointment to show houses and had to stick to it! To many it seems strange to hear someone talk about missing a basketball game like that. Some would even say that it was ridiculous to feel that way, but I have to disagree. I love sports, I love basketball, but my strong feelings about missing the game don't just stem from those reasons! It is all about FAMILY!

I was raised going to all sorts of games. Mom drug us around to all of dad's football and basketball games and track meets. We all grew up playing the sports our mom and dad did! The thing that sticks out to me about it all is that we did it together. We didn't always eat dinner around the table, but we always ate it together! I, at times, question dragging my kids to games and keeping them up past their bedtime some nights, but I figure we are at least always together! It is not everyday that your husband is the head coach of the boys team and his assistants are your brother-in-law and first cousin. If that was not enough my brother is also a senior on the team. To complicate matters more my dad is the head girls coach and my brother is his assistant!

I am not one that usually is emotional about things and I am not a crier! However, as this week of basketball begins I feel a little more uptight than usual and yes, dare I say, more emotional as well! I just feel like we have more at stake than winning! I want my family to have great games, feel success, go out winners and just be happy! I do not want them to second guess themselves, feel as if a mistake or loss is their fault or be disappointed! I love them all so much I want to take away their nerves and doubts. Yes, I want to win because that is why we play and coach - to win! But, because I love them I will support them win or lose, great game or not. So as I sit in the stands over the next few days I will be stressed and emotional, but I won't be alone. We will all be together as a family!




Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Homemade Yumminess!!

Today I had the fixins for Taco Soup, or so I thought. I got it going and realized I had no tortilla chips or even tortillas to make my own chips. What's a girl to do, make her own of course!!! I looked up a couple recipes and it looked pretty easy. I finally settled on this one, Healthy Handmade Tortillas. I got out the five ingredients and went for it! Talk about EASY, it took minutes to put together. I did wait about 45 minutes to roll them out, the recipe calls for at least 30. After the forty-five minutes I made them into balls and started to roll. 

As you can see mine don't look exactly round, but they didn't need to be! I wasn't putting anything in them, just using them to eat with our Taco Soup. One thing to make sure you do is make them VERY thin! Some of them looked almost transparent and those were the best. They poof up a bit (very scientific term) so you don't want them very thick when you put them on the griddle. I did spray the griddle before putting them on and also sprayed the tops before I flipped them, just to make sure they got a little more color. 

They only took a few minutes on each side and viola, they were ready to eat. I thought they were really yummy! I have always liked my tortillas a bit chewy and these were perfect! Not to thick, not to thin and the taste and consistency was better than store bought! This is one thing I can safely say I will make again. Sorry Mission Tortillas I think you have met your match! I challenge you all to try this, you won't be sorry!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day Treat

It is hard to believe that we got over a FOOT of SNOW! It seems like forever since we have lots of snow. Yesterday was filled with watching snow fall, playing in it, freezing in it, sledding in it and freezing in it more! What fun!

This morning I decided to make the kids a treat mom used to make us when I was growing up - Biscuit Donuts! Yummy! Of course I never seem to have all the right ingredients or tools when I get a bright idea to make something, but it always seems to work out! I had the right starting ingredient - GRANDS biscuits. When I went to make them into donuts I didn't have anything to cut the hole, so what would any cook use? Why a wine bottle opener of course! It had the exact size hole and everything!
When I went to get the oil I found I had very little, but with my smallest pan on the stove it was just enough! The kids thought they were pretty good, although I am pretty sure there were never any leftovers when I was a kid! Here is the finished product. Not too shabby for a quick snow day treat!
 If you have never made them they are super easy, here's how. You will need......

1 can Grands Biscuits
Then you simply make donut shapes with whatever you have on hand, such as a wine bottle opener. You can also just cut the biscuits in fourths if you don't want a donut shape! Then simply plop them in HOT oil and fry em up! They don't take long, so don't walk off! When they are golden brown on both sides dip them in sugar on both sides. Next step is easy, EAT!!