An everyday account of a not-so-super mom, managing her crazy life!

An everyday account of a not-so-super mom trying to outrun insanity!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

All about FAMILY

Tonight I missed my husband's first round sub-state game. Although it made me feel physically ill, I had a previous appointment to show houses and had to stick to it! To many it seems strange to hear someone talk about missing a basketball game like that. Some would even say that it was ridiculous to feel that way, but I have to disagree. I love sports, I love basketball, but my strong feelings about missing the game don't just stem from those reasons! It is all about FAMILY!

I was raised going to all sorts of games. Mom drug us around to all of dad's football and basketball games and track meets. We all grew up playing the sports our mom and dad did! The thing that sticks out to me about it all is that we did it together. We didn't always eat dinner around the table, but we always ate it together! I, at times, question dragging my kids to games and keeping them up past their bedtime some nights, but I figure we are at least always together! It is not everyday that your husband is the head coach of the boys team and his assistants are your brother-in-law and first cousin. If that was not enough my brother is also a senior on the team. To complicate matters more my dad is the head girls coach and my brother is his assistant!

I am not one that usually is emotional about things and I am not a crier! However, as this week of basketball begins I feel a little more uptight than usual and yes, dare I say, more emotional as well! I just feel like we have more at stake than winning! I want my family to have great games, feel success, go out winners and just be happy! I do not want them to second guess themselves, feel as if a mistake or loss is their fault or be disappointed! I love them all so much I want to take away their nerves and doubts. Yes, I want to win because that is why we play and coach - to win! But, because I love them I will support them win or lose, great game or not. So as I sit in the stands over the next few days I will be stressed and emotional, but I won't be alone. We will all be together as a family!




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